
Brokers function as intermediaries or roots in the HELICS hierarchy The Broker can be run through the helics_broker or via helics-app

Command line arguments

helics_broker term <broker args...> will start a broker and open a terminal control window for the broker run help in a terminal for more commands
helics_broker --autorestart <broker args ...> will start a continually regenerating broker there is a 3 second countdown on broker completion to halt the program via ctrl-C
helics_broker <broker args ..> just starts a broker with the given args and waits for it to complete
allowed options:

command line only:
  -? [ --help ]          produce help message
  -v [ --version ]       display a version string
  --config-file arg      specify a configuration file to use

  -n [ --name ] arg      name of the broker
  -t [ --type ] arg      type of the broker ("(zmq)", "ipc", "test", "mpi","test", "tcp", "udp")

 Help for Zero MQ Broker:
allowed options:

  --interface arg        the local interface to use for the receive ports
  -b [ --broker ] arg    identifier for the broker
  --broker_address arg   location of the broker i.e network address
  --brokername arg       the name of the broker
  --local                use local interface(default)
  --ipv4                 use external ipv4 addresses
  --ipv6                 use external ipv6 addresses
  --external             use all external interfaces
  --brokerport arg       port number for the broker priority port
  --localport arg        port number for the local receive port
  --port arg             port number for the broker's port
  --portstart arg        starting port for automatic port definitions

 Help for Interprocess Broker:
allowed options:

  --queueloc arg         the named location of the shared queue
  -b [ --broker ] arg    identifier for the broker
  --broker_address arg   location of the broker i.e network address
  --brokerinit arg       the initialization string for the broker

 Help for Test Broker:
allowed options:

  --brokername arg       identifier for the broker-same as broker
  -b [ --broker ] arg    identifier for the broker
  --broker_address arg   location of the broker i.e network address
  --brokerinit arg       the initialization string for the broker

 Help for TCP Broker:
allowed options:

  --interface arg        the local interface to use for the receive ports
  -b [ --broker ] arg    identifier for the broker
  --broker_address arg   location of the broker i.e network address
  --brokername arg       the name of the broker
  --local                use local interface(default)
  --ipv4                 use external ipv4 addresses
  --ipv6                 use external ipv6 addresses
  --external             use all external interfaces
  --brokerport arg       port number for the broker priority port
  --localport arg        port number for the local receive port
  --port arg             port number for the broker's port
  --portstart arg        starting port for automatic port definitions

 Help for UDP Broker:
allowed options:

  --interface arg        the local interface to use for the receive ports
  -b [ --broker ] arg    identifier for the broker
  --broker_address arg   location of the broker i.e network address
  --brokername arg       the name of the broker
  --local                use local interface(default)
  --ipv4                 use external ipv4 addresses
  --ipv6                 use external ipv6 addresses
  --external             use all external interfaces
  --brokerport arg       port number for the broker priority port
  --localport arg        port number for the local receive port
  --port arg             port number for the broker's port
  --portstart arg        starting port for automatic port definitions

Broker Specific options:

  --root                 specify whether the broker is a root

  -n [ --name ] arg      name of the broker/core
  --federates arg        the minimum number of federates that will be
  --minfed arg           the minimum number of federates that will be
  --maxiter arg          maximum number of iterations
  --logfile arg          the file to log message to
  --loglevel arg         the level which to log the higher this is set to the
                         more gets logs (-1) for no logging
  --fileloglevel arg     the level at which messages get sent to the file
  --consoleloglevel arg  the level at which message get sent to the console
  --minbrokers arg       the minimum number of core/brokers that need to be
                         connected (ignored in cores)
  --identifier arg       name of the core/broker
  --tick arg             number of milliseconds per tick counter if there is no
                         broker communication for 2 ticks then secondary actions
                         are taken (can also be entered as a time like '10s' or '45ms')
  --dumplog              capture a record of all messages and dump a complete log to file or console on termination
  --terminate_on_error   Specify that the co-simulation should terminate if any error occurs
  --timeout arg          milliseconds to wait for a broker connection (can also
                         be entered as a time like '10s' or '45ms')

  --error_timeout arg    milliseconds to wait before disconnecting after an error
                         (can also be entered as a time like '10s' or '45ms')

If the Broker is started with term as the first option, a terminal is opened for user entry of commands all command line arguments following term are passed to the broker.

starting broker
`quit` -> close the terminal application and wait for broker to finish
`terminate` -> force the broker to stop
`terminate*` -> force the broker to stop and exit application
`help`,`?` -> this help display
`restart` -> restart a completed broker
`status` -> will display the current status of the broker
`info` -> will display info about the broker
`force restart` -> will force terminate a broker and restart it
`query` <queryString> -> will query a broker for <queryString>
`query` <queryTarget> <queryString> -> will query <queryTarget> for <queryString>

status will print out current status of the brokers including counts of federates, brokers, and handles

Broker (643204-ibrVd-14EWH-unKfh-hExUP) is connected and is accepting new federates

info prints out name, connection status, and connection information

Broker (643204-ibrVd-14EWH-unKfh-hExUP) is connected and is accepting new federates

The query command allows any query to be executed from the command line, query counts displays the same count numbers as status.

Other available queries are described in Queries.

various restart options are also available, terminate, restart, force restart. And finally quit will exit the terminal and wait for the broker to complete. enter terminate before quit or terminate* to terminate and quit.