Running HELICS Co-Simulations

Execution of the HELICS co-simulation is done from the command line using the helics run ... command in PyHELICS. Each simulator must be executed individually in order to join the federation. The helics run ... command condenses these individual command line execution commands through the use of a JSON called the “runner file””.

All the examples are written with a runner file for execution. In the Fundamental Base Example, we need to launch three things: the broker, the Battery federate, and the Charger federate.

The file fundamental_default_runner.json includes:

  "federates": [
      "directory": ".",
      "exec": "helics_broker -f 2 --loglevel=7",
      "host": "localhost",
      "name": "broker"
      "directory": ".",
      "exec": "python -u 1",
      "host": "localhost",
      "name": "Charger"
      "directory": ".",
      "exec": "python -u 1",
      "host": "localhost",
      "name": "Battery"
  "name": "fundamental_default"

This tells HELICS to launch three federates named broker, Charger, and Battery. The directory tells HELICS the location of the executable. For the broker, the executable helics_broker should be configured to suite your needs. The broker is launched with the executable helics_broker, to which we pass the information -f 2 meaning there will be two federates, and --loglevel=7 meaning that we want all internal messages to be sent to the log file.

The other two federates are Python based and just need to be called with python -u.

Once the runner file is specified to include information about where the executables live (directory), the execution command for each (exec), the host, and the name, the entire federation can be launched with the following command:

> helics run --path=fundamental_default_runner.json

The next section discusses using the Web Interface to interact with a running HELICS co-simulation. The federation must be launched in this ways in order to use the Web Interface.