helics  3.5.3
ValueFederate.h File Reference

Functions related to value federates for the C api. More...

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HelicsInput helicsFederateRegisterSubscription (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, const char *units, HelicsError *err)
HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterPublication (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, HelicsDataTypes type, const char *units, HelicsError *err)
HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterTypePublication (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, const char *type, const char *units, HelicsError *err)
HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterGlobalPublication (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, HelicsDataTypes type, const char *units, HelicsError *err)
HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterGlobalTypePublication (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, const char *type, const char *units, HelicsError *err)
HelicsInput helicsFederateRegisterInput (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, HelicsDataTypes type, const char *units, HelicsError *err)
HelicsInput helicsFederateRegisterTypeInput (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, const char *type, const char *units, HelicsError *err)
HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterGlobalInput (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, HelicsDataTypes type, const char *units, HelicsError *err)
HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterGlobalTypeInput (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, const char *type, const char *units, HelicsError *err)
HelicsPublication helicsFederateGetPublication (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, HelicsError *err)
HelicsPublication helicsFederateGetPublicationByIndex (HelicsFederate fed, int index, HelicsError *err)
HelicsInput helicsFederateGetInput (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, HelicsError *err)
HelicsInput helicsFederateGetInputByIndex (HelicsFederate fed, int index, HelicsError *err)
HELICS_DEPRECATED HelicsInput helicsFederateGetSubscription (HelicsFederate fed, const char *key, HelicsError *err)
HelicsInput helicsFederateGetInputByTarget (HelicsFederate fed, const char *target, HelicsError *err)
void helicsFederateClearUpdates (HelicsFederate fed)
void helicsFederateRegisterFromPublicationJSON (HelicsFederate fed, const char *json, HelicsError *err)
void helicsFederatePublishJSON (HelicsFederate fed, const char *json, HelicsError *err)
HelicsBool helicsPublicationIsValid (HelicsPublication pub)
void helicsPublicationPublishBytes (HelicsPublication pub, const void *data, int inputDataLength, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishString (HelicsPublication pub, const char *val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishInteger (HelicsPublication pub, int64_t val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishBoolean (HelicsPublication pub, HelicsBool val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishDouble (HelicsPublication pub, double val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishTime (HelicsPublication pub, HelicsTime val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishChar (HelicsPublication pub, char val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishComplex (HelicsPublication pub, double real, double imag, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishVector (HelicsPublication pub, const double *vectorInput, int vectorLength, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishComplexVector (HelicsPublication pub, const double *vectorInput, int vectorLength, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishNamedPoint (HelicsPublication pub, const char *field, double val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationPublishDataBuffer (HelicsPublication pub, HelicsDataBuffer buffer, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationAddTarget (HelicsPublication pub, const char *target, HelicsError *err)
HelicsBool helicsInputIsValid (HelicsInput ipt)
void helicsInputAddTarget (HelicsInput ipt, const char *target, HelicsError *err)
int helicsInputGetByteCount (HelicsInput ipt)
void helicsInputGetBytes (HelicsInput ipt, void *data, int maxDataLength, int *actualSize, HelicsError *err)
HelicsDataBuffer helicsInputGetDataBuffer (HelicsInput inp, HelicsError *err)
int helicsInputGetStringSize (HelicsInput ipt)
void helicsInputGetString (HelicsInput ipt, char *outputString, int maxStringLength, int *actualLength, HelicsError *err)
int64_t helicsInputGetInteger (HelicsInput ipt, HelicsError *err)
HelicsBool helicsInputGetBoolean (HelicsInput ipt, HelicsError *err)
double helicsInputGetDouble (HelicsInput ipt, HelicsError *err)
HelicsTime helicsInputGetTime (HelicsInput ipt, HelicsError *err)
char helicsInputGetChar (HelicsInput ipt, HelicsError *err)
HelicsComplex helicsInputGetComplexObject (HelicsInput ipt, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputGetComplex (HelicsInput ipt, double *real, double *imag, HelicsError *err)
int helicsInputGetVectorSize (HelicsInput ipt)
void helicsInputGetVector (HelicsInput ipt, double data[], int maxLength, int *actualSize, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputGetComplexVector (HelicsInput ipt, double data[], int maxLength, int *actualSize, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputGetNamedPoint (HelicsInput ipt, char *outputString, int maxStringLength, int *actualLength, double *val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultBytes (HelicsInput ipt, const void *data, int inputDataLength, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultString (HelicsInput ipt, const char *defaultString, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultInteger (HelicsInput ipt, int64_t val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultBoolean (HelicsInput ipt, HelicsBool val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultTime (HelicsInput ipt, HelicsTime val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultChar (HelicsInput ipt, char val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultDouble (HelicsInput ipt, double val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultComplex (HelicsInput ipt, double real, double imag, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultVector (HelicsInput ipt, const double *vectorInput, int vectorLength, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultComplexVector (HelicsInput ipt, const double *vectorInput, int vectorLength, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetDefaultNamedPoint (HelicsInput ipt, const char *defaultName, double val, HelicsError *err)
const char * helicsInputGetType (HelicsInput ipt)
const char * helicsInputGetPublicationType (HelicsInput ipt)
int helicsInputGetPublicationDataType (HelicsInput ipt)
const char * helicsPublicationGetType (HelicsPublication pub)
const char * helicsInputGetName (HelicsInput ipt)
HELICS_DEPRECATED const char * helicsSubscriptionGetTarget (HelicsInput ipt)
const char * helicsInputGetTarget (HelicsInput ipt)
const char * helicsPublicationGetName (HelicsPublication pub)
const char * helicsInputGetUnits (HelicsInput ipt)
const char * helicsInputGetInjectionUnits (HelicsInput ipt)
const char * helicsInputGetExtractionUnits (HelicsInput ipt)
const char * helicsPublicationGetUnits (HelicsPublication pub)
const char * helicsInputGetInfo (HelicsInput inp)
void helicsInputSetInfo (HelicsInput inp, const char *info, HelicsError *err)
const char * helicsInputGetTag (HelicsInput inp, const char *tagname)
void helicsInputSetTag (HelicsInput inp, const char *tagname, const char *tagvalue, HelicsError *err)
const char * helicsPublicationGetInfo (HelicsPublication pub)
void helicsPublicationSetInfo (HelicsPublication pub, const char *info, HelicsError *err)
const char * helicsPublicationGetTag (HelicsPublication pub, const char *tagname)
void helicsPublicationSetTag (HelicsPublication pub, const char *tagname, const char *tagvalue, HelicsError *err)
int helicsInputGetOption (HelicsInput inp, int option)
void helicsInputSetOption (HelicsInput inp, int option, int value, HelicsError *err)
int helicsPublicationGetOption (HelicsPublication pub, int option)
void helicsPublicationSetOption (HelicsPublication pub, int option, int val, HelicsError *err)
void helicsPublicationSetMinimumChange (HelicsPublication pub, double tolerance, HelicsError *err)
void helicsInputSetMinimumChange (HelicsInput inp, double tolerance, HelicsError *err)
HelicsBool helicsInputIsUpdated (HelicsInput ipt)
HelicsTime helicsInputLastUpdateTime (HelicsInput ipt)
void helicsInputClearUpdate (HelicsInput ipt)
int helicsFederateGetPublicationCount (HelicsFederate fed)
int helicsFederateGetInputCount (HelicsFederate fed)

Detailed Description

Functions related to value federates for the C api.

Function Documentation

◆ helicsFederateClearUpdates()

void helicsFederateClearUpdates ( HelicsFederate  fed)

Clear all the update flags from a federates inputs.

fedThe value federate object for which to clear update flags.

Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::clearUpdates().

◆ helicsFederateGetInput()

HelicsInput helicsFederateGetInput ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
HelicsError err 

Get an input object from a key.

fedThe value federate object to use to get the publication.
keyThe name of the input.
[in,out]errThe error object to complete if there is an error.
A HelicsInput object, the object will not be valid and err will contain an error code if no input with the specified key exists.


Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::getInput().

◆ helicsFederateGetInputByIndex()

HelicsInput helicsFederateGetInputByIndex ( HelicsFederate  fed,
int  index,
HelicsError err 

Get an input by its index, typically already created via registerInterfaces file or something of that nature.

fedThe federate object in which to create a publication.
indexThe index of the publication to get.
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
A HelicsInput, which will be NULL if an invalid index.


Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::getInput().

◆ helicsFederateGetInputByTarget()

HelicsInput helicsFederateGetInputByTarget ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  target,
HelicsError err 

Get an input object from a target.

fedThe value federate object to use to get the input.
targetThe name of the publication that an input is targeting.
[in,out]errThe error object to complete if there is an error.
A HelicsInput object, the object will not be valid and err will contain an error code if no input with the specified key exists.


Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::getInputByTarget(), and helicsFederateGetSubscription().

◆ helicsFederateGetInputCount()

int helicsFederateGetInputCount ( HelicsFederate  fed)

Get the number of inputs in a federate.

(-1) if fed was not a valid federate otherwise returns the number of inputs.

Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::getInputCount().

◆ helicsFederateGetPublication()

HelicsPublication helicsFederateGetPublication ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
HelicsError err 

Get a publication object from a key.

fedThe value federate object to use to get the publication.
keyThe name of the publication.
[in,out]errThe error object to complete if there is an error.
A HelicsPublication object, the object will not be valid and err will contain an error code if no publication with the specified key exists.

References HELICS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, and helics::Interface::isValid().

Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::getPublication().

◆ helicsFederateGetPublicationByIndex()

HelicsPublication helicsFederateGetPublicationByIndex ( HelicsFederate  fed,
int  index,
HelicsError err 

Get a publication by its index, typically already created via registerInterfaces file or something of that nature.

fedThe federate object in which to create a publication.
indexThe index of the publication to get.
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
A HelicsPublication.

References HELICS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, and helics::Interface::isValid().

Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::getPublication().

◆ helicsFederateGetPublicationCount()

int helicsFederateGetPublicationCount ( HelicsFederate  fed)

Get the number of publications in a federate.

(-1) if fed was not a valid federate otherwise returns the number of publications.

Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::getPublicationCount().

◆ helicsFederateGetSubscription()

HELICS_DEPRECATED HelicsInput helicsFederateGetSubscription ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
HelicsError err 

Get an input object from a subscription target. DEPRECATED: use helicsFederateGetInputByTarget instead

fedThe value federate object to use to get the publication.
keyThe name of the publication that a subscription is targeting.
[in,out]errThe error object to complete if there is an error.
A HelicsInput object, the object will not be valid and err will contain an error code if no input with the specified key exists.

References helicsFederateGetInputByTarget().

◆ helicsFederatePublishJSON()

void helicsFederatePublishJSON ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  json,
HelicsError err 

Publish data contained in a JSON file or string.

fedThe value federate object through which to publish the data.
jsonThe publication file name or literal JSON data string.
[in,out]errThe error object to complete if there is an error.

Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::publishJSON().

◆ helicsFederateRegisterFromPublicationJSON()

void helicsFederateRegisterFromPublicationJSON ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  json,
HelicsError err 

Register the publications via JSON publication string.

fedThe value federate object to use to register the publications.
jsonThe JSON publication string.
[in,out]errThe error object to complete if there is an error.

This would be the same JSON that would be used to publish data.

Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerFromPublicationJSON().

◆ helicsFederateRegisterGlobalInput()

HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterGlobalInput ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
HelicsDataTypes  type,
const char *  units,
HelicsError err 

Register a global named input.

The publication becomes part of the federate and is destroyed when the federate is freed so there are no separate free functions for inputs and publications.

fedThe federate object in which to create a publication.
keyThe identifier for the input (may be NULL).
typeA code identifying the type of the input see /ref HelicsDataTypes for available options.
unitsA string listing the units of the input (may be NULL).
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
An object containing the input.


Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerGlobalInput().

◆ helicsFederateRegisterGlobalPublication()

HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterGlobalPublication ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
HelicsDataTypes  type,
const char *  units,
HelicsError err 

Register a global named publication with an arbitrary type.

The publication becomes part of the federate and is destroyed when the federate is freed so there are no separate free functions for inputs and publications.

fedThe federate object in which to create a publication.
keyThe identifier for the publication (may be NULL).
typeA code identifying the type of the input see /ref HelicsDataTypes for available options.
unitsA string listing the units of the publication (may be NULL).
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
An object containing the publication.

References HELICS_DATA_TYPE_RAW, HELICS_DATA_TYPE_TIME, HELICS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, helicsFederateRegisterGlobalTypePublication(), and helics::typeNameStringRef().

Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerGlobalPublication().

◆ helicsFederateRegisterGlobalTypeInput()

HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterGlobalTypeInput ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
const char *  type,
const char *  units,
HelicsError err 

Register an input with an arbitrary type.

The input becomes part of the federate and is destroyed when the federate is freed so there are no separate free functions for interfaces.

fedThe federate object in which to create an input.
keyThe identifier for the input (may be NULL).
typeA string defining the type of the input (may be NULL).
unitsA string listing the units of the input (may be NULL).
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
An object containing the input.

Referenced by helicsFederateRegisterGlobalInput(), and helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerGlobalInput().

◆ helicsFederateRegisterGlobalTypePublication()

HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterGlobalTypePublication ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
const char *  type,
const char *  units,
HelicsError err 

Register a global publication with a defined type.

The publication becomes part of the federate and is destroyed when the federate is freed so there are no separate free functions for inputs and publications.

fedThe federate object in which to create a publication.
keyThe identifier for the publication (may be NULL).
typeA string describing the expected type of the publication (may be NULL).
unitsA string listing the units of the publication (may be NULL).
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
An object containing the publication.

Referenced by helicsFederateRegisterGlobalPublication(), and helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerGlobalPublication().

◆ helicsFederateRegisterInput()

HelicsInput helicsFederateRegisterInput ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
HelicsDataTypes  type,
const char *  units,
HelicsError err 

Register a named input.

The input becomes part of the federate and is destroyed when the federate is freed so there are no separate free functions for inputs, and publications.

fedThe federate object in which to create an input.
keyThe identifier for the publication the global input key will be prepended with the federate name (may be NULL).
typeA code identifying the type of the input see /ref HelicsDataTypes for available options.
unitsA string listing the units of the input (may be NULL).
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
An object containing the input.


◆ helicsFederateRegisterPublication()

HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterPublication ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
HelicsDataTypes  type,
const char *  units,
HelicsError err 

Register a publication with a known type.

The publication becomes part of the federate and is destroyed when the federate is freed so there are no separate free functions for inputs and publications.

fedThe federate object in which to create a publication.
keyThe identifier for the publication the global publication key will be prepended with the federate name (may be NULL).
typeA code identifying the type of the input see /ref HelicsDataTypes for available options.
unitsA string listing the units of the publication (may be NULL).
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
An object containing the publication.


Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerInput(), and helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerPublication().

◆ helicsFederateRegisterSubscription()

HelicsInput helicsFederateRegisterSubscription ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
const char *  units,
HelicsError err 

input/publication registration Create an input and add a publication target.

this method is a wrapper method to create and unnamed input and add a publication target to it

fedThe federate object in which to create an input, must have been created with /ref helicsCreateValueFederate or /ref helicsCreateCombinationFederate.
keyThe identifier matching a publication to add as an input target.
unitsA string listing the units of the input (may be NULL).
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
An object containing the input.

Referenced by helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerSubscription().

◆ helicsFederateRegisterTypeInput()

HelicsInput helicsFederateRegisterTypeInput ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
const char *  type,
const char *  units,
HelicsError err 

Register an input with a defined type.

The input becomes part of the federate and is destroyed when the federate is freed so there are no separate free functions for inputs, and publications.

fedThe federate object in which to create an input.
keyThe identifier for the input (may be NULL).
typeA string describing the expected type of the input (may be NULL).
unitsA string listing the units of the input maybe NULL.
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
An object containing the publication.

Referenced by helicsFederateRegisterInput(), and helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerInput().

◆ helicsFederateRegisterTypePublication()

HelicsPublication helicsFederateRegisterTypePublication ( HelicsFederate  fed,
const char *  key,
const char *  type,
const char *  units,
HelicsError err 

Register a publication with a defined type.

The publication becomes part of the federate and is destroyed when the federate is freed so there are no separate free functions for inputs and publications.

fedThe federate object in which to create a publication.
keyThe identifier for the publication (may be NULL).
typeA string labeling the type of the publication (may be NULL).
unitsA string listing the units of the publication (may be NULL).
[in,out]errA pointer to an error object for catching errors.
An object containing the publication.

Referenced by helicsFederateRegisterPublication(), and helicscpp::ValueFederate::registerPublication().

◆ helicsInputClearUpdate()

void helicsInputClearUpdate ( HelicsInput  ipt)

Clear the updated flag from an input.

Referenced by helicscpp::Input::clearUpdate().

◆ helicsInputIsUpdated()

HelicsBool helicsInputIsUpdated ( HelicsInput  ipt)

Check if a particular input was updated.

HELICS_TRUE if it has been updated since the last value retrieval.


Referenced by helicscpp::Input::isUpdated().

◆ helicsInputLastUpdateTime()

HelicsTime helicsInputLastUpdateTime ( HelicsInput  ipt)

Get the last time a input was updated.


Referenced by helicscpp::Input::getLastUpdateTime().