helics  3.5.2
C API function reference

Helics Enumerations

Many of the functions take properties or options that are defined by the enumerations available in the HELICS library see helics_enums.h Index of functions available in the C and by extension the language API's

General Functions

in the HELICS C library

Creation Function Functions to create the different objects in the library

Core Functions

functions applying to a HelicsCore object

Broker Functions

Functions applying to a HelicsBroker object

Federate Info Functions

Functions applying to a HelicsFederateInfo object

Federate Functions

Functions applying to all HelicsFederate objects

Value Federate Functions

functions applying to federates created as a value or combination federate HelicsFederate objects

Publication interface Functions

functions applying to a HelicsPublication object

Input interface Functions

functions applying to a HelicsInput object

Message Federate Functions

Functions applying to federates created as a value or combination federate HelicsFederate objects

Message object Functions

functions applying to a HelicsMessage

Endpoint interface Functions

functions applying to a HelicsEndpoint object

Filter Federate Functions

Functions applying to all federates but related to HelicsFilter

Filter interface Functions

Functions applying to a HelicsFilter object

Query Functions

functions applying to a HelicsQuery object